The Nothing He Needs


I do not know where my relationship is going with Mr.T but, it is not going to the the place were either him or I had originally plan. I try to wrap my head around it, all I get is a head ache. I have asked him numerous times “Why me? Why this?” He is man with an excellent job, finically stable, beautiful house, nice cars, designer tags, three smart, well behaved children, a wife who is more like a nanny thana spouse. A spoiled monster who he was the first to admit that he created the monster she is today, he spoiled her beyond the point of return. He tells me he does not need anything, nothing at all. I told him well that’s good because I have nothing it give him, he taste is out of my pay grade & this whole situation is new. He reassure me that since I have nothing to offer him other than, me just being me, I am the nothing he needs & he is the nothing I need. We are each other’s nothing’s but, we both be lying if we said it does not feel like nothing because it feels like something…something that can not be explained it has to be felt.

Like Clock Work


0850 everyday for the last 3 weeks, my “good morning beautiful” text arrives from Mr. T. It was not suppose to be like this. It was designed to fail from the start, an escape from reality, not have the married man who chased you for a year, has always given all his undivided attention to you ever time you enter a room, question why where he wanted to go with you change after just a little kiss, on the corner of 20th & Walnut, on a Tuesday, during lunch, changed everything.  It is not how we planned this thing to be but, as time goes on, there is something we share that has us yearning for more. I guess it because we don’t have to think, we get to put the real world on hold for a few hours a week & escape all reality. I am going to miss this when it ends. He is so very sweet.